Maximum API Throughout
Made possible by the very high capacity of our Cloud, we are able to assure you a high message submission throughput originating from your application.
2-way capable SMS
Using 5-digit shortcodes configured on each Telco's SMSC, we are able to provide 2-way SMS via our API. This is crucial if your application requires interactivity with the mobile user.
SMS One-Time Passwords
Our One-Time Password feature enables easy implementation of one-time SMS passwords for your website or online service. You can also replicate traditional RADIUS-based workflows and implement options such as configurable OTP expiry time and OTP format.
Long Message Auto-Concatenation
A standard SMS message is limited to 160 (GSM ASCII) characters in length. Our API allows you to send messages longer than 160 characters but still deliver the long message as a single SMS.
Auto-routing as Smartphone Push
If you have an mobile app integrated to our MACH platform, we will automatically recognise that a mobile number has your mobile app installed and will route the message as a Push notification instead of SMS, allowing you cost savings on SMS.
Pre-integrated to offical WhatsApp Business API
CommzGate is pre-integrated to the offical WhatsApp Business API, so you can reach the more than 2 billion recipients in the world who have WhatsApp installed.
Multi-lingual Capable
Send messages in almost any known language in the world. Use our popular "Type=AUTO" API parameter to have our system automatically decide if your content should be processed as GSM ASCII or Unicode.
Intelligent OTP API
Our Intelligent OTP API leverages an AI-driven soft-layer to find the most effective entry point into a Telco's network, and bring OTP non-delivery complaints down to zero percent. (Yes it's possible!)
Mass Personalisation in a single request
Use the Batch option in our API to send one-to-one personalised messages to a large recipient list in one single HTTP request. You just send a single request an our cloud does all the heavy lifting.
Automatic URL Link shortening and Click-thru Tracking
When you send an website URL to a mobile user through our system, we are able to automatically shorten your URL and also capture and track click-thru rates and other recipient information in a comprehensive report.
Real-Time Text to Voice API
When SMS delivery is simply not possible or practical, we can convert your message content into a phone call and speak out the content to your recipient!
Email API
Email may be old-school but still essential. Using the same CloudSMS API for mobile message, you are able to deliver your message content via email using our enterprise-grade email delivery infrastructure.
Unparalleled Security
We provide security options that go beyond what other providers can offer. For example, using our encrypted payload feature, even if HTTPS is compromised, your message content is still encrypted by our AES256 or higher custom encryption.
If legacy systems or workflow dictates that a batch file transferred over SFTP is the best way to broadcast messages, we can provide a dedicated and secure SFTP node for you to deposit files in your custom file format.