MACH Push Messaging Price Plans
Free for Regular Use. Massive capacity when you go Premium
Free for Regular Use. Massive capacity when you go Premium
Sick of getting pricing that don't really tell you the real cost?
No gimmicks here, just 100% transparency in what you are getting for the Price Plan that you choose.
Let's Get Started
The MACH Free Plan provides you all the functionality of the MACH Push Messaging service including its API and Web Portal. There is no limit to the number of Push Messages you can send. However message sending throughput is limited to 1 per second. If you require higher throughput than this, please consider upgrading to a Premium Plan.
For Premium users, we spawn dedicated server instances on our Cloud architecture that will only be used by specific Premium users. This server capacity is dedicated to you and ensures that you can achieve the message throughput you require.
Yes, you can request for a downgrade or upgrade in throughput at any time and the request will be processed within 1 working day. The monthly fee for that month will be pro-rated based on the date of the change.
Push message sent via MACH is completely free and there is no limit to the quantity you can send.
As a Premium Plan user, you receive a formal agreement that assures you 99.9% service uptime for the MACH service. You will also receive a 24/7 hotline number (manned by our development team) that you can call to request for emergency technical support.
Yes, please do email us!