
WhatsApp Mass-Engagement made easy

Easily-to-use Portal tools and API, with optional AI Chat features for mobile audience engagement at scale. Reach more than 2 billion WhatsApp users effortlessly!

Engage mobile audiences at scale with rich media and closed-looped interaction. Increase revenue and customer retention.

Special Note: As of March 2023, our ‘Jakob AI’ platform is ChatGPT ready!
ChatGPT by OpenAI is the industry leader in generative AI, providing enterprises with a cost-effective solution for enhancing their AI chat interactions. By integrating ChatGPT into our Jakob AI platform, we've been able to unlock even more potential for businesses to benefit from AI technology, such as helping businesses automate and enhance customer interactions at scale, run sentiment analysis and even real-time language translations!

CommzGate is the only best-of-breed cloud platform that empowers you to engage mobile audiences at scale with rich media and a complete closed-looped interaction. All the tools you need are provided in one place to help you achieve measurable improvements in engagement rate, customer conversions and revenue increase.

Using our Web Portal, send out personalised WhatsApp mass engagement campaigns or small group ad-hoc messages easily. Our full-fledged contacts module allows for comprehensive upload and management of your recipient lists.

Detailed delivery and engagement reports are captured in real-time for each Campaign. You can also supercharge your WhatsApp engagement strategy with bleeding-edge Artificial Intelligence powered by the Jakob AI framework, with accelerated deployment speed at a fraction of conventional costs.

Enable real-time, trackable conversational engagement with your mobile audience while achieving time and effort savings. Send product updates, customer care messages and payment reminders.

Gain complete customer confidence with verified WhatsApp Business Profile

We register your WhatsApp number via the official WhatsApp Business API, getting you a verified WhatsApp Business Profile with a 'green tick' mark issued by Facebook. This assures your customers about communicating with a trusted and verified party.

WhatsApp messages are delivered reliably via the official WhatsApp Business channel, allowing you to use AI to smartly engage customers using text, images and PDF documents.

Messages sent and received are also end-to-end encrypted from CommzGate platform to end-user mobile devices. Ask us if you would like more details on the encryption architecture.

Jakob AI: Increase sales. Boost customer satisfaction. Save on labor, time and money.

You can also supercharge your WhatsApp engagement strategy with bleeding-edge Artificial Intelligence powered by the Jakob AI framework, with accelerated deployment speed at a fraction of conventional costs. 99% of organisations using AI-based virtual agent technology report that it increases customer satisfaction and 96% exceeded return on investment on their virtual agent investment. We promises a result that is even better.

Leveraging WhatsApp as the most widely-used mobile engagement channel, you can leverage Jakob AI to:

textsms Sell your products over WhatsApp

Achieve more sales by engaging prospects in real-time, answer their most common enquiries and accept orders over WhatsApp.

textsmsHandle customer service requests

Offload the most common requests using an AI agent, and only direct requests to a live agent when absolutely necessary.

textsms Run targeted marketing campaigns

Maximise results on a specific goal by engaging your audience via WhatsApp, have the conversion handled by an AI agent and measure the results with real data.
CommzGate CG-ONE blinking

97% of Singapore use WhatsApp.
80% choose it as their most used app.
84% of time spent on mobile is spent in a messaging apps.
30x is the average in which a person opens WhatsApp daily.

More Intelligent Customer Engagement

Our Jakob AI technology produces human-like chat interactions that will connect with your audience. Using Machine Learning, your AI Chatbot gets smarter as it engages more conversations. Advanced integration options makes it even more powerful with capabilities such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for received images, text pattern extraction into databases, deep integration into your own CRM systems and more.

stars  The Jakob AI difference

What makes Jakob AI different from other solutions?

We take care of the complexities and just make it work

Other solutions provide you a clunky web interface to design your own logic.
We speak to you to understand your requirements in layman terms and deliver you the solution.

A focus on human-like chat behaviour that will connect with your audience

Other chatbots behave like a robot or menu-based system. We deliver a chatbot that behaves like a real human.

Tightly Integrated web portal for your live agent team members

You get access to our mature and feature-packed web portal that enables your live agents and AI to work hand-in-hand,
plus a packed list of value-added features not found in other solutions.

Extremely fast deployment at the best price point in the market

Contact us to get a quote and see the difference in cost and turnaround speed, made possible only by Jakob AI technology.

Artificial + Human Intelligence = Perfect Teamwork

Conversations handled by AI agent are viewable in real-time via the 'Conversations' feature on the CommzGate Web Portal. A live agent can take over the conversation at any time or when live agent attention is needed as flagged by the AI ChatBot.
'Conversations' support multiple live agents simultaneously so your team can take shifts attending to requests.

Features in CommzGate Conversations:
1 »Live Agents login to 'Conversations' with their own user account.
2 »Each engaged mobile recipient is displayed in real-time.
3 »AI Chatbot engaging the conversation.
4 »Profile of mobile recipient can be captured and stored.
5 »Live agent can attach and send multimedia files as needed.

business  Loved by Customers

CommzGate is trusted by world-class organisations that run 24/7 mission-critical operations such as:

Pacific Light
Singapore Zoo
National Healthcare Group
Jurong Port
Various Government Agencies

...and many more!
CommzGate Web Portal

High-Performance, Extreme Capacity

With everything running in the cloud, join our many other customers who have enjoyed extreme peak performance and elastic capacity at short notice.

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ISO27001 certified security

We are ISO-27001 (Information Security) certified, providing assurance that your data is safe on our platform. We also are ready to be assessed against your internal security compliance standards.

DNC Pricing

Pricing that beats the Competition

Jakob AI delivers a revolution in the cost of producing a truly intelligent chatbot. You will be surprised at the value we can deliver. Contact us now for a quote or ask for a demo!

https  Security-first Engineering

Our entire operation is governed by standards and audited processes that include:
Employee Code of Conduct
Data Protection Policy
Security Incident Management Policy
ISO-27001 controls such as:
Human resource security, Asset management security,
Access control security, Cryptography security,
Physical and environmental security, Operations security,
Communications security, System acquisition security,
development and maintenance security and
security of Supplier relationships

Talk to us to find out more or to receive a custom briefing!

Always Available

Our WhatsApp and Jakob AI infrastructure is hosted on dual-redundant data-centers located across geographically separate and distinct zones. This means our service will always be available when you need it to be. In fact we provide a 99.95% Service Level Agreement as part of our commitment to you.

Copyright © 2001-2024 All Rights Reserved. Pacific Synergy Pte. Ltd.
Proudly certified for ISO27001 (Information Security), ISO27017 (Cloud Security) and ISO27018 (Data Privacy).
Participant of the SGNIC SenderID Registry as a Tier-1 aggregator and an IMDA SBO licensee.

CommzGate is a registered trademark of Pacific Synergy Pte. Ltd.

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